mason minute

Early Voting (MM #4142)

Tennessee does its elections a bit differently than other states. Early voting is underway for our second election this year. In May, we had the state and local primaries. Coming up, it’s the general election for those races and the federal primary races. Then in November, it’s the general election for those Federal elections. Most…

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Protection Plan (MM #4141)

Years ago, if you shopped at Circuit City or Comp USA, they’d try to get you to buy the warranty. That’s where they made big money. Today those warranties are just called a protection plan, and while stores still suggest the plan, they aren’t too pushy. Well, yesterday, I was asked if I wanted the…

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That Old Song (MM #4140)

It’s odd to see Kate Bush’s ‘Running Up That Hill’ near the top of the music charts next to people like Harry Styles and Lizzo. Especially since that old song is one I’ve been listening to for nearly 40 years. It’s funny; I first listened to it on my cassette deck, then my iPod, and…

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Celebrity Couples (MM #4139)

For as long as I can remember, most of the public has been obsessed with famous people. And when you throw celebrity couples into the mix, the excitement seems to grow exponentially. I’ve been around celebrities for much of my life, and I still don’t get the obsession…

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Different Sizes (MM #4138)

For the longest time, I’ve had a problem buying pants. And it’s all caused by the companies that make them. In one trip to the mall, I can come home with pants in three different sizes. But the strangest part is that none of them is my waist size. It’s always been a problem when…

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Dump Trucks (MM #4137)

I loved playing with my Tonka dump trucks when I was a kid. But, I think that was the last time I liked them. I’ve been on the road a lot more lately, and the one thing I see more of every day is dump trucks. And here in Tennessee, they don’t have to keep…

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Game Changer (MM #4136)

If you’re one of the millions of Americans, like me, who struggles with your weight, you may have new options. For some, diet and exercise can help but won’t cure the problem. But now, there’s a new drug introduced last year that many doctors think is a game changer. Many, including me, are skeptical, but…

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Department Stores (MM #4135)

The way we shop is constantly changing. And while department stores still exist, they aren’t as popular as they used to be. When shopping malls started popping up in the 1960s, many chains moved out of downtown and tried to adapt. But it’s never been the same. And it’s getting worse. Sadly, the reason is…

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More Shots (MM #4134)

I’ve never made it a secret that I don’t like needles. With the COVID-19 vaccine, plus all of the allergy injections I’ve gotten over the last few years, I’ve had my fill of getting jabbed. But I may have more shots to look forward to in the future. It’s just another fun part of getting…

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Classic Shapes (MM #4133)

I saw an online story discussing a petition that begs the makers of Trix cereal to bring back their classic shapes. Now that cereal has been around since I was a kid. But something confuses me. Isn’t the shape of that fruity cereal little round balls? Well, I guess I’m somewhat correct. But this petition…

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