mason minute

Craveable (MM #4132)

I love a good hamburger. And maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think the burgers made by most restaurants today are as good. So, when I saw an article that shared the most craveable fast food hamburger, I had to read more. The results weren’t what I expected…

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Prime Day (MM #4131)

Amazon just wrapped up its annual Prime Day sale. And with all of the ads on TV and online, it was tough to miss. Of course, I’ve been so swamped I missed all the good stuff. I did try to find some things I needed late last night, but I guess I was too late….

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Let It Go (MM #4130)

Whenever I hear ‘let it go’, I think about the song from the Disney movie, Frozen. But a recent study of people who practice meditation believes that might be a phrase that can help anyone release stress. For years people were taught to think of the words ‘let it be’. Now for many, including me,…

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Space Bubbles (MM #4129)

Pardon the pun, but climate change has been a hot topic for many years. Many are worried about the future of our planet. Thankfully, MIT researchers have been hard at work trying to find a solution. And while they haven’t been able to stop global warming, they think they have a way to slow it…

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Lifeguard (MM #4128)

Being a lifeguard was one of the best Summer jobs when I was younger. What’s not to love? But times have changed, and we currently have a shortage across America. With pools closing during COVID-19, many guards looked elsewhere for work. And of course, it’s not the best paying job, so that’s also a problem….

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Soap Dispenser (MM #4127)

People often ask me where I come up with my topics for the podcast. Sometimes I get ideas from my newsfeed, but other times I get inspired and even upset by something I encounter in my life. Today’s topic comes from a recent visit to the men’s room and my struggle with an automatic soap…

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Control (MM #4126)

I’ve been using computers for a long time. The other day I looked down at my keyboard and realized that I still use the control key hundreds of times a day. I use that key to perform old-school DOS and Windows shortcuts. And that made me realize that I’ve probably used millions of those old…

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Luck Or Research (MM #4125)

To win the lottery, does it take luck or research? I’m sure most people would say luck. But I know one person in Maryland who thinks research is the answer. She says that because she’s won over $100,000 three times in the last five years. And she claims…

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Skeleton (MM #4124)

If you’re looking for a unique gift, I found something that no one else in the neighborhood will have. How about a fossilized dinosaur skeleton? Sotheby’s will soon be auctioning a 76 million-year-old fossil. Of course, you’ll need a few million…

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Check Engine (MM #4123)

I have a love/hate relationship with my check engine light. They do help warn you of problems with your car. But, they always seem to come on at the worst possible time. Mine came on last week, so I took it to my mechanic. Once he reset the computer, he couldn’t replicate the issue. Of…

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