mental health

Bigorexia (MM #5053)

In recent years, we’ve heard more talk about mental health and body image. Anorexia and bulimia are two of the most researched and discussed body issues. While they typically target women, specifically young women, the problems can be found in men, too. For researchers, finding ways to reverse these trends is a significant challenge. And…

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Threats (MM #4922)

For as long as there’s been high-profile crime, there’s been copycat versions. But this week, my news feed has been filled with stories about young students making threats, online or in person, at schools across America. Experts think these situations are being triggered by last week’s school shooting near Atlanta. Many say it’s a cry…

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Look At Me (MM #4767)

Today, we live in a world where people constantly seek attention. It’s not everyone, but those who desire to be treated special are multiplying. It’s almost like they’re shouting look at me to anyone who will listen. Perhaps social media is to blame. Many people think that’s the case. But it’s just one avenue where…

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (MM #4683)

In recent years, there’s been a lot of talk about the need to focus on mental health. Years ago, when I lived in Northeast Ohio, I learned a lot about seasonal affective disorder (SAD). At first, when people told me it affected so many people this time of year, I brushed it off. But after…

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Blaming Others (MM #4438)

Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about mental health, but very little seems to get done. Any time there is gun violence, mental health comes into play. And for some people, it’s a big issue. But many don’t want to take any responsibility for their actions. They spend their time blaming others for everything…

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Talk To Someone (MM #4235)

Every day we hear a story on the news that reminds us we have a mental health crisis in America. The latest school shooting in St. Louis is another example. Experts tell us that we should talk to someone if we have problems. But isn’t admitting we have a problem more than half the battle?…

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Happiest (MM #4203)

The last few years have been stressful for almost all of us. Researchers believe where we live plays into our mood and mental health. So they’ve been putting together data to figure out the happiest state across the U.S. It shouldn’t surprise you that it’s Hawaii. But where the rest of the states rank says…

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Crisis Line (MM #4193)

A few months back, I read an article about the government setting up a mental health crisis line that you could dial with only three digits, 988. Now I realize that remembering three numbers is much easier than remembering 10. And I admit, I was skeptical. If people don’t know the difference between 911 and…

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Mental Health (MM #4164)

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing amount of discussion about mental health. I’ve often wondered if this is a new problem or something we’ve just ignored forever. One thing I’ve noticed; While many people are talking about it, few seem willing to do anything…

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Test Your Knowledge (MM #3624)

If you’re anything like me, you like to test your knowledge regularly. I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for trivia games and online quizzes. And, one thing I’ve found recently is that I’m spending more time with these quizzes and games…  

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