
Star Wars (MM #2614)

‘Solo’, the new Star Wars movie arrives this week. I know that there are still tons of fans who will make the movie a huge success. But don’t you think these movies are coming out too often?

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Teen Comedies (MM #2594)

I’ve always loved funny movies. In fact, I’ll take a comedy over anything else if given the choice. Recently I was scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch and I noticed that there were hundred of teen comedies available. And these teen comedies for the most part seem to have one thing in common…

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Movies On Cable (MM #2500)

We now have thousands of cable channels and dozens of streaming services at our disposal. You can find movies on cable all the time. So why do some once popular movies disappear?

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Super Hero Movies (MM #2265)

The new Wonder Woman movie hit theaters this week. And that made me wonder why they’re releasing so many super hero movies. Obviously, the demand is there…

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Movie Choices (MM #2188)

I often wonder about our personal movie choices. Why do we like the kinds of movies that we like. I love goofy comedies, no matter how bad they are. I have friends who won’t miss watching a horror movie. What causes each of us to like the movies that we do?

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New Awards Show (MM #2168)

Watching the Oscars last night I realized that we needed a new awards show. We need a movie awards show that reflects what real people are watching. I can’t be the only person who feels a little lost when the Oscars are on…

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Movie Sequels (MM #1934)

Movie sequels have become a part of our movie going experience. Some are good, maybe even better than the original movie. Some…. perhaps most, nowhere near as good. Many are talking about the new Ghostbusters movie. I encountered another movie sequel last week that I wanted no part of…

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Watching Movies (MM #1835)

There isn’t a person I know who doesn’t love watching movies in some shape, form, or fashion. But I wonder why we love some movies more than others. There are just some movies that we watch over and over and over again…

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Before They Were Famous (MM #1831)

I can’t begin to count the number of movies that I’ve seen numerous times. And it always shocks me when I finally notice an actor before they were famous. I could watch a movie dozens of times, but there always seems to be at least one person you finally notice for the first time…

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CDs And DVDs (MM #1565)

I’ve finally reached that point in life, that you’ve probably already reached. I’ve been toting around my old albums, cassettes, CDs and DVDs, for a long time, and don’t know why I still hold on to them. They’re just taking up space…

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