
Food Trucks (MM #1859)

Food trucks have become a big thing in Nashville and in other cities the last few years. And while they’re working here, some towns are still afraid of them. My old stomping ground of Akron doesn’t want anything to do with food trucks. But there’s a new development in the food truck world that’s very…

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Crosswalks (MM #1858)

Today we ask a Seinfeldesque question. Now, imagine me doing a Jerry Seinfeld imitation; “So what’s the deal with crosswalks? Why won’t people walk in them? Are they cross?” If people won’t use them why do we even have them?

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Tiny Little Ants (MM #1851)

Every now and then our house gets invaded by teeny tiny little ants. It usually only happens about once a year, but it drives us crazy. We never had this problem when we lived in Ohio and I thought that it just might be a Nashville thing, but it’s not…

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Traffic Circles (MM #1803)

Nashville is trying to deal with traffic congestion. So they’ve begun to add traffic circles or roundabouts as they are also known. On paper they make sense, but encountering one is something completely different. On they surface they should be simple…

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Panhandlers (MM #1799)

Nashville is facing a bit of an epidemic. I may be crazy, but we’re being bombarded with panhandlers. My wife was accosted one the other day coming out of the grocery store. I’ve run into them at numerous gas stations. It’s getting bad…

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Chinese Restaurants (MM #1751)

I’ve loved Chinese food for as long as I can remember. But after living in Nashville for nearly a decade I still can’t find any great Chinese restaurants. Many say that Nashville has become a food town, but in my opinion not when it comes to Chinese food…

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Public Transportation (MM #1716)

More and more big cities are talking about public transportation. Nashville has been trying to put together a mass transit plan for a few years. But I’m afraid it may be too late for Nashville and many other cities that don’t already have plans in place. And it’s all because public transportation can’t solve one…

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Meat And Three (MM #1687)

Everywhere you turn people are talking about the new Nashville. It’s been designated an it city. But at least there’s one thing about the city that remains from the good ole days; the classic meat and three…

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Picking Up Garbage (MM #1664)

There’s a lot I love about Nashville. But there’s one thing I’ve never understood; Why picking up garbage in some parts of town is handled by private companies while the city handles trash in other neighborhoods. It truly makes no sense to me…

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The IT City (MM #1645)

Everywhere I turn they’re talking about Nashville. Many people are calling it ‘the it city’. Nashville’s been a part of my life for a very long time, and I don’t know was ‘it’ is, but I’m not sure if ‘it’ is a good thing…

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