
Update The Packaging (MM #3977)

I understand that companies sometimes update the packaging for products they’ve been selling for a long time. But when they adjust the look and tweak the product inside, customers can get frustrated. Life is full of changes, but it hits home when it comes to the products we love…

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Packaging (MM #3463)

Throughout the pandemic I’ve talked about product shortages on store shelves. And while hoarding has been part of the issue, I recently read that product packaging is the primary problem. And now some companies are looking for new ways to package some of their products…

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Crumbs (MM #3125)

We always have some sort of potato chips around the house. And over the last few years I’ve noticed that the bags are filled with more crumbs and dust. Nowadays only half the bag seems to actually be chips…

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Food Recalls (MM #3044)

If you watch or read any news I’m sure you’ve noticed all of the food recalls. These recalls seem to be cropping up more often, nearly every day. It’s 2019, shouldn’t we have food safety figured out by now…

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New Packaging (MM #2353)

I often wonder why products are continually coming up with new packaging. I’m talking about the style and look of a product and not about cost saving. My favorite brand of facial tissues is always changing their look. All I care about is that they’re strong and absorbent…

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Styrofoam (MM #1404)

After the holidays I realized that I needed to get some items to the recycling bin. But one thing I’m not sure about recycling is all the styrofoam that was included in the packages. Is styrofoam even recyclable?

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