pop tarts

Eggs Benedict (MM #4084)

It’s been a heavy news week. So, as I scrolled through my newsfeed, I was looking for a story that could take my mind off the world’s troubles. The article I found tracked the most popular breakfast food from the year you were born. Some of the foods make sense. Pop-Tarts, Eggo Waffles, and Egg…

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Pop-Tart Lawsuit (MM #3875)

I’ve professed my love for Pop-Tarts in the past. I’ve loved them since I was a kid. But there are some flavors I want to like more than I do. I love strawberries but have always been disappointed by Strawberry Pop-Tarts. And a recent Pop-Tart lawsuit may explain why…  

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Strawberry Pop-Tarts (MM #2650)

At times, life can be very simple. I learned that from a 3 year old. Some days, life is great simply because of Strawberry Pop-Tarts…

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