
Nicest Compliment (MM #5081)

Everyone loves to be complimented. Sure, some may be uncomfortable for a moment, but having someone say something nice about you is a wonderful feeling. For many, some recognition is more meaningful than other thoughts. One platitude I hear every now and then is that I have a voice that should be on the radio….

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Fraternity (MM #5066)

When many young men go to college, one of the first things they look to do is join a fraternity. I briefly considered joining one during my freshman year but quickly realized it wasn’t the right fit. I’ve always been somewhat of a loner and prefer to surround myself with a small group of close…

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Better Known As (MM #4946)

For many years, I’ve had an issue when people use the word friend. What does it mean? There are varying levels, so what constitutes friendship to you might differ for me. Because we’re friends on Facebook, are we really that in the real world? I lost a friend, or acquaintance if you prefer, late last…

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Stereotypes (MM #4569)

We all know that stereotypes can be damaging, and to better our society, we should work to prevent them. But, while stereotyping can be harmful in the real world, there is a place where stereotypes are welcome. Television, the movies, and morning show radio have all proven that stereotypes can lead to immense success. The…

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High School Football (MM #4189)

This time of year, Friday nights are all about high school football. I haven’t paid much attention to the sport until recent years, but now I have two nephews who play. I wish I could watch or listen to their games. We have the technology, but no one seems to care. Sure, it would be…

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April Fuels Day (MM #4027)

For most people, today is April Fools’ Day. But in some lucky cities, with creative radio stations, it’s something different. It’s actually April Fuels Day. Now that’s the kind of fun I can get behind. In those towns, there are no pranks, just full gas tanks…

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Rocktober (MM #3846)

To the average person, it’s simply October. It’s a month to enjoy playoff baseball, lots of football, and of course, Halloween. But for those who love rock music, it’s the biggest month of the year. It’s Rocktober. Now in all the years that disc jockeys have promoted the fact, I still don’t know what makes…

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Interviewing People (MM #2717)

Back in my radio days I loved interviewing people. These weren’t job interviews but interviews that played on the radio. Many podcasts today feature interviews and of course I’m a bit of a critic…

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Legendary (MM #2232)

I rarely use words like legendary. But during my radio career, I worked with a couple of radio legends.  On Friday one of them hung up his headphones…

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The BSK (MM #2214)

One of our radio friends from Cleveland passed away this week. Kendall Lewis, known to his listeners as The BSK (Big Sports Kahuna) was just 56. My wife worked with The BSK for a few years and this one’s hurting here hard. We both know that death is something we’re going to face more and…

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