
Latest Scam (MM #4433)

Every time you turn around, you have to be on the lookout for some new issue. The latest scam we must watch for involves the self-checkout at big box stores like Walmart. Does it surprise you that everyone wants to make a fast buck? So now, not only do we have to check out and…

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Internet Scams (MM #3796)

Every day I hear another story about a senior citizen becoming a victim of online fraud. But recently a new age group has started having a problem with internet scams. And this one might shock you; it’s Gen Z. It’s hard to believe that so many internet-savvy youngsters are also falling prey…   

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Shopping For Pets (MM #3596)

I’ve never understood why people spend so much time and money when shopping for pets. I saw a story on the news the other day of a woman who was scammed out of thousands of dollars because she wanted a specific dog. With all of the animals in shelters today, why would someone do that?…

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Gullible Or Cynical (MM #2332)

There seems to be less common sense in our world today. You’re either gullible or cynical. Whatever happened to somewhere in between?

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