
Sidewalks (MM #4500)

Here in Nashville, we’re obsessed with sidewalks. It has been one of the primary campaign issues for many of the people currently running for mayor. As a campaign promise, they’re right at the top with safer schools and affordable housing. Nashville has never been one of the most walkable cities. We never made it a…

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Aggregate Materials (MM #1789)

There’s something about living in the south that I’ve wondered about since I moved south for the first time in the late 70’s. Who do people use aggregate materials for their sidewalks and driveways? I really wonder about this every time the snow starts to fall… I

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Time To Power Wash (MM #1627)

I guess I’m pretty handy, but there is one task I’ve never really understood; power washing. I understand how it works, but often wonder why people are so obsessed. How do you know when it’s time to power wash things like your sidewalk?

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