
Wake Up (MM #5082)

Have you ever wondered why your parents went to bed early and woke up early? I’ve been a night owl most of my life, but that’s changing. Now, I go to bed and wake up earlier than I used to. In recent years, I have no longer been able to escape the early-to-bed, early-to-rise lifestyle….

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Try To Sleep (MM #4977)

Doctors will tell you that proper rest is the key to good health and a long life. We’ve always been told we should try to sleep eight hours nightly. But many of us know that getting the proper rest is nearly impossible. Doctors and researchers say that our realistic goal should be somewhere between six…

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False Alarm (MM #4749)

Something strange happened yesterday, and I can’t understand what happened. I woke up to my alarm around 6:15, or I thought I did. As I started getting up and getting ready for work, I grabbed my phone, which lit up. As I looked down, I noticed the screen said 2:55. It was a false alarm….

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Sleep Deprived (MM #4744)

If there’s one trait many Americans share today, it’s that we’re sleep-deprived. The CDC says we need more rest if we get less than 7 hours of sleep per night. When looking at the problem nationwide, more than 30% of Americans suffer nightly. And in some states, it’s worse than others. People who live in…

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Insomnia (MM #4718)

I’ve always had empathy for those who have insomnia. My father has suffered for as long as I can remember. Most of his was stress-related. Fortunately, I never had to worry about it until recently. While I didn’t always sleep well, I never had issues falling asleep. But lately, that’s changed. I’ve experienced numerous periods…

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Wake Up Early (MM #4424)

People tend to joke that as we get older, we wake up early and eat dinner much earlier than in our youth. And both facts tend to be true. And medical research is now explaining why we don’t get as much sleep as we age. It’s not that the body doesn’t want sleep. There are…

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Bounce Back (MM #4198)

When I was younger, my body could quickly adapt to any change in my schedule. But as I’ve gotten older, any drastic changes to my routine affect me for a long time. It’s not as easy to bounce back after a shift in sleep patterns. Thanks to changes in our work schedules, both my wife…

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Before The Alarm (MM #4047)

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been waking up just before the alarm goes off. This same thing happens to my wife often, but I don’t usually have that problem. I’ve always wondered what goes on inside our body to regulate our internal clock. Or maybe it’s just bad luck…

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Little Bit Of Light (MM #4030)

Sleep is often a challenge for many people. My wife needs complete darkness to sleep well. And new research agrees with her. Scientists have found that even a little bit of light when sleeping can cause health issues for everyone…

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Not Enough Caffeine (MM #3814)

Not enough caffeine. Some days you need a little extra to get you up and rolling or to keep you going. Yesterday was one of those days for me. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, on a Monday, it makes for a very long day…  

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