social media

Extremely Online (MM #5115)

It may not describe you, but you likely know someone who is extremely online. This has nothing to do with the time spent using social media; it’s about their connection to being a trendsetter. Extremely online people are those who immerse themselves in internet culture. They’re the ones who are first to share what become…

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Fake (MM #5068)

I’ve been immersed in the social media world for nearly two decades. Looking back to the days of MySpace, I’m amazed at all the differences. Technology has changed it all. We could never imagine just how much. Today, we have to look at every post that hits our feed and wonder if it’s real or…

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TikTok (MM #5050)

All eyes are on Washington, D.C., this weekend. And while some of it has to do with the upcoming inauguration, most of the attention surrounds TikTok. The Chinese-owned social media app is on a figurative death row. Unless the owner, ByteDance, sells it to a US-based company, new legislation will require the app’s removal from…

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Threats (MM #4922)

For as long as there’s been high-profile crime, there’s been copycat versions. But this week, my news feed has been filled with stories about young students making threats, online or in person, at schools across America. Experts think these situations are being triggered by last week’s school shooting near Atlanta. Many say it’s a cry…

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The Latest Trend (MM #4901)

Social media has occupied my life for nearly two decades. I make my living from it and spend much of my free time creating content, too. It’s definitely changed since the early days when most people spent time only on MySpace. Yes, social media has become much more political, and that’s both good and bad….

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Scrolling (MM #4893)

The other day, someone at work asked me what was my favorite hobby. I thought for a moment and replied, scrolling. You may not realize this, but it could also be one of your favorite hobbies. What did we spend much time doing when we got our first computer? What are you doing When you…

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Sadfishing (MM #4831)

The term sadfishing may be new to you, but if you’ve spent time on social media, you’ve likely seen it. You might even be guilty of this yourself. Sadfishing is something that people do to elicit a response from their social media followers. It’s often a cryptic cry for help. Now, the person doing this…

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Ad Break (MM #4824)

If you spend a lot of time on social media, you’ve likely encountered a feed filled with ads. Even though everything you do online is tracked, and the sites make money from your data, they want more. That’s why you see more of them every day. So what more can they do to annoy you?…

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Monk Mode (MM #4576)

For many people, social media has become an addiction. They find it difficult to stop scrolling through their apps, reading, or posting the latest updates. But as we all know, sometimes life gets in the way, and we must get to work. Some have found a new way to put down their phone. They go…

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Opinions (MM #4368)

If you’ve listened to even just a few episodes of my podcast, you know I spend a ton of time on the internet. Sure, I post a lot, like a decade’s worth of daily podcasts and weekly video blogs. But I spend most of my time reading, listening, watching, and learning. And the one thing…

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