social media

Very Passionate (MM #2123)

The anger I see online every day is getting tough to handle. People have become very passionate about their politics over the last year or so. I’m trying to put a positive spin on what I witness more and more…

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Looking For A Fight (MM #2112)

I love social media. I spend a ton of time online both personally and professionally. But I’ve noticed something recently that worries me. Everyone seems to be looking for a fight. There are more and more bullies on social media than ever before. And we need to change that…

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Finding Old Friends (MM #2092)

Since I moved around a lot as a kid I’ve found that I’ve lost track of many childhood friends. Finding old friends isn’t always easy when you’re a baby boomer. So much of our life happened before the internet and social media…

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Green Light (MM #2060)

It’s Veterans Day and that has me thinking.  Have you heard about this new Greenlight A Vet program? By displaying a green light bulb we’re showing  support for veterans. And while I’m all for showing our support for those who have served our country, does this really help?  It’s easy to go through the motions,…

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Pumpkin Patches (MM #2036)

During the month of October everyone has become obsessed with visiting pumpkin patches with their kids. Is this a new thing? I don’t ever remember people making a big deal out of visiting one even a few years ago. And I definitely know it was never anything we ever did back in my youth.  Perhaps…

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Hoping People Will Listen (MM #2029)

When it comes to social media each of us are just hoping people will listen. So many people I know are wearing their political hearts on their sleeves.  But they can’t honestly believe that they are swaying any opinions…

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Obligatory Photos (MM #1980)

Social media has given us many things.  Things like obligatory photos.  You know the photos I’m talking about. Most of your friends are posting them. And I really believe that the only reason these photos exist is because of social media exists…

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Political Conventions (MM #1958)

The political conventions are over. Did anything happen at either convention that makes you change how you’ll be voting? I honesty doubt it. It seems that social media has changed us. Because most people have already made up their mind, and there’s nothing that will change it. And that seems to be much different than…

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Connect With Friends (MM #1940)

Social media has truly changed the way we connect with friends. Before social media came around, it was much easier to lose touch with old friends. But now, friends who live far away seem like they’re still just down the road. And that makes things much different when you do get together…

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Favorite Teams (MM #1926)

Yesterday we talked about how social media often causes us to magnify our feelings about topics. We definitely see than when rooting for our favorite teams. Sure, it’s easy get excited about our favorite sports when we’re sharing online. And that really happens when our favorite teams are winning…

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