
Coarse Language (MM #3942)

I was listening to the radio the other day and noticed something. Does the coarse language in a song honestly matter anymore? I heard them play a tune that they usually don’t censor, but this time they did. Now, this does have some words we aren’t supposed to say in mixed company, but it’s been…

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Selfish (MM #3883)

Over the last few months, I’ve heard a lot of talk about how selfish people are these days. It came up again over the weekend when folks in the sports world were discussing Aaron Rodgers. I hadn’t given it much thought, but perhaps selfish is a great way to explain our world right now…

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Mind Your Own Business (MM #3878)

It seems that we now live in a world where people are all concerned with others more than themselves. Sometimes you want to shout, mind your own business? Yes, each of us should handle things at home, our home. But that seems to be a primary sticking point for many…

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Latest Complaint (MM #3877)

Everywhere you turn, people are griping about something. Every day there’s something new to rile people up. For many, the latest complaint is retail stores going from Halloween straight to Christmas displays. While I understand how many feel, I think they’re just looking for a fight more than anything else…

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Missing Persons (MM #3842)

All of the media coverage of the Gabby Petito story has people talking. And the one item where most people can agree, we have a problem with missing persons here in the United States. And as we now know, most of these stories never get any nationwide or even local coverage. And we all can…

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Match Game (MM #3761) 

The world is changing around us all the time. Some of it we see, and some we don’t. The old Match Game TV show made me realize just how much our life has changed over the years. It showed me that life’s changed in ways we don’t even notice…  

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Misplaced Anger (MM #3743)

Every day across America, there are news stories of misplaced anger. Some of these only involve people yelling and screaming. And sadly, some can end up with people pulling guns or knives. We have an anger issue, and it’s only getting worse…  

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Selective Memory (MM #3739)

Many people in our world suffer from having selective memory. They’ll call you out on something you say and then play dumb when they do something similar. Politics has always had this problem, and it seems to be getting worse. But these days, it looks like politicians are not alone with what they remember…  

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Celebrity (MM #3737)

Celebrity culture has become an obsession for many people. But anymore, I don’t even know what that means. Are there rules to determine who’s a celebrity and who’s not? Are there different levels? And what about being famous? Every day, I read stories about people I’m supposed to know, but I’ve never heard of them……

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Hate (MM #3716)

In recent months, hate has been an important discussion topic. Some claim that it’s at an all-time high in our society. I honestly think that hate has never gone away, but many were keeping their feelings in check. But, not anymore…

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