
Shoes (MM #5111)

I’m not one of those guys who are obsessed with shoes. What are they called, sneakerheads? Now, my wife might argue the fact. I do own too many pairs of Crocs. I’ve had bad feet since I was a teen, so comfort is key. But over the last few weeks, I’ve become obsessed with college…

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Dodgeball (MM #5064)

It’s an understatement to say that the world is much different than when I was in school. Sure, technology has played a significant part, but there are other vast differences. In my first computer class in high school, we used punch cards, and the computer filled an entire room. In Junior High School, one of…

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Betting (MM #5063)

I consider myself a casual sports fan. At one time in my life, like many youngsters, I was obsessed with sports. While playing baseball and basketball, I also knew a lot about football and hockey. But once I graduated from college, I didn’t pay quite as much attention. But I still try to keep up…

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Overtime (MM #5003)

I’ve been following sports for a long time. Some of my earliest memories are going to games with my father when he did radio play-by-play. I followed in his footsteps for a short time in my radio career. And while I haven’t stayed obsessed with sports throughout my life, I still keep up with most…

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More Sports (MM #4853)

You’ll start seeing more sports on your television in the coming months. Warner-Discovery announced they’re adding more college sports coverage on TNT, Tru TV, and TBS. While many games move to streaming services and apps, cable channels are trying to add more games to their lineup. College football and basketball draw good ratings, and that…

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Jump On The Bandwagon (MM #4846)

If you love sports, you have a favorite team. The sport doesn’t matter; we all have some we cheer for and a few we root against. But the worst kind of sports fan is the one who will jump on the bandwagon of a winning team. It’s easy to pull for a winner. Usually, it’s…

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After The Game (MM #4625)

Friday, we decided to surprise my sister-in-law and her family by attending the Semi-State playoff game in which two of her sons played. We didn’t tell our nephews beforehand because we didn’t want to take their minds off their usual game prep. Sadly, they lost, and their season is over. And while many were upset…

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Weather Delays (MM #4564)

Recently, numerous weather delays have occurred during college and pro football games. Back in my younger days, there were no delays for severe weather. They played the game no matter the conditions. So when did this change? I know this weather protocol has existed for a few years, but I can’t remember when they changed…

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Friday Night Lights (MM #4531)

In many towns across America, tonight’s a big night. It’s the first night of the high school football season. For most of my life, I’ve paid little attention to the tradition of Friday Night Lights. But since a couple of my nephews started playing football, I’ve started following the game. Football on Friday nights wasn’t…

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Economics Of Sports (MM #4522)

This time of year, people start talking about college football. The preseason rankings are out, but that’s not the hot topic. Many are discussing the changes in many of the college football conferences. The Big 12, Big 10, and SEC will add teams over the next few years. The Pac-12 is shrinking to four members….

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