
Kayaking (MM #2300)

Is Kayaking a hot new trend? Driving around on the weekends I’ve been seeing more people with kayaks on top of their cars than ever before. Is this something new or have I just not been paying attention?

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The Morning After (MM #2273)

I have a bunch of friends who pretty bummed out today. It’s always tough the morning after your team loses in a championship game. Is it tougher to watch your team lose the big game or to root for a perennial loser?

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Souvenir Tents (MM #2268)

I’ve lived in a lot of great sports towns. And one thing I’ve noticed in every one, is that when their teams go to the playoffs, souvenir tents appear. Are these people vagabonds that travel everywhere?

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Prime Time (MM #2227)

This time of year is the prime time if you’re a sports fan. Now the NFL may not be playing, but they are getting ready for the draft. The NBA and NHL are in their playoff season while the MLB and NASCAR are in full swing…

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Sports Trivia (MM #2200)

I’ve always been a trivia buff. But I learned something recently when watching a sports trivia show on TV. I learned that I’m old…

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Trash Talk (MM #2047)

I have a lot of friends trying to bait me right now with World Series trash talk. I have strong ties to both Chicago and Cleveland so I seem like a prime candidate. I’m paying attention to the World Series for the first time in a long time.  But whichever team wins the World Series…

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Favorite Teams (MM #1926)

Yesterday we talked about how social media often causes us to magnify our feelings about topics. We definitely see than when rooting for our favorite teams. Sure, it’s easy get excited about our favorite sports when we’re sharing online. And that really happens when our favorite teams are winning…

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Lifetime Dreams (MM #1868)

We all have dreams. And I’m not talking about the dreams we have when we sleep. I’m talking those lifetime dreams. They can come and go as reality sets in, but I truly believe we have to have dreams to keep us alive…

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College Sports Fans (MM #1753)

I’m not the biggest sports fan, not like I was in my younger days, but I’ve always wondered something about college sports fans. Why are the BIGGEST fans the least connected to the school? I know many people who have attended some of the biggest college sports schools in the nation, and while they support…

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Gonna Be A Wild Day (MM #1659)

It’s gonna be a wild day. And when I say wild, I mean ‘wild card’. The Chicago Cubs are in the post season…sort of. Technically they have to win today to be in the playoffs. Many of my extended family members are feeling a bit stressed…

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