
Ability To Speak (MM #1931)

I’m a verbal person. I get that from my dad. That’s why we both went into broadcasting. Some people struggle with the ability to speak to others. And now thanks to technology I think the problem is getting worse. Now that people can easily interact with others without actually speaking to them the ability to…

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Delete Button (MM #1928)

I’ve worked with computers for a long time. And one key on the keyboard that often puts fear into people is the delete button. You have to get past the fear. Once you do, it’s all good. Wel, at least most of the time…

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Load Sensing (MM #1918)

We have one of those new fangled high-tech washing machines. I don’t use it very often, but when I do it always amazes me. It has a load sensing feature that adjusts the water level when the machine starts. I guess it manages water use better. At least I think that’s what it does…

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Flat Tires (MM #1914)

I’ve been thinking about flat tires for awhile. And when my wife got a nail in her tire the other day it made me wonder once again. How is that possible? It’s not like there are nails sitting in the road with their pointed end sticking straight up. I realize that once the nail gets…

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Neighborhood Watch (MM #1911)

They recently created a neighborhood watch program in our little Nashville subdivision. It’s the first time we’ve ever taken part in a program like that. Now that could be viewed as both a good thing, or a bad thing. It all depends on how you look at it…

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Changing Wiper Blades (MM #1908)

I’ve been changing wiper blades since before I could drive. It was one of the tasks my father trusted me with back in the day. But something has changed. Now it seems you need a PhD to change something that used to be so simple….

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Driverless Cars (MM #1906)

Everywhere you turn, on TV, the internet, even in newspapers people are talking about driverless cars. The technology is here, but there are some questions that have yet to be answered. And these questions could change the world more than these driverless vehicles will…

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Battery Powered (MM #1904)

I truly love technology. But with that love comes the need to keep tons of batteries around the house. I have more battery powered tech toys than most. But batteries are starting to confuse me. It’s not just as simple as AA, AAA, or even D batteries. There are so many variations…

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1966 Plymouth Valiant (MM #1881)

Sometimes we don’t notice how much things change because that change is gradual. I was driving down the road recently and saw a 1966 Plymouth Valiant and it made me realize just how much automobiles have changed in my lifetime. When you see an old Valiant next to a modern day Ford or Honda you…

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Constant Change (MM #1874)

It’s a fact of life that change is fairly constant. But in our new technology driven world constant change is an understatement. It’s tough to keep up. Even if you’re a person who doesn’t always mind change…

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