
Animals And Porn (MM #1470)

Don’t worry, the topic of today’s podcast isn’t as bad as the title suggests. Today, we’re talking about late night TV and what seems to be the only commercials that air. The topics, animals and porn…

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6 or 7 Episodes (MM #1466)

I’ll admit that I watch a LOT of television; probably too much. But even if you don’t watch as much TV you may have noticed a recent phenomenon with TV shows producing fewer episode, on purpose. It seems that more and more shows are just producing 6 or 7 episodes each season…

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Our Founding Fathers (MM #1451)

I was watching the news the other night and a woman was talking about our founding fathers and the second amendment. And she said that the founding fathers could never imagine a world without guns. I wonder if they could imagine some of the things that we DO have today…

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Remembering Celebrities (MM #1440)

As we get older, it becomes a fact of life the people seem to be passing away more often. That includes people in real life and people you’ve admired on television, in movies, and through music. The recent death of Leonard Nimoy got me thinking of a way we should be remembering celebrities…

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I Blame MTV (MM #1395)

I get silly every now and then and talk about fluffy subjects. But perhaps you can relate to this one…

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Bingeing (MM #1362)

In the old days when we talked about bingeing we were talking about eating. But these days it’s a whole bunch of something else…

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First World Problems (MM #1317)

I know that sometimes I’m come off sounding like some cranky ole whiner. I realize that compared to so many people I have few problems. But….

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Poor Columbus (MM #1300)

We’re living in very odd times. We seem to be worrying a lot about things that truly don’t matter. Like today….

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What Year Is This?! (MM #1154)

So last night I was just sitting around watching a little TV, and this strange feeling came over me…

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Celebrity Voices (MM #1118)

Celebrities continue to take over our world. And recently I’ve noticed that they have seemed to take over another part of our lives…

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