time change

Self-Adjusting Clocks (MM #3648)

Around this time every year, many of us struggle with adjusting our sleep habits. Of course, Daylight Saving Time is to blame. But thanks to technology, the struggle is just slightly easier. And that’s all because of self-adjusting clocks…  

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25 Hours (MM #3511)

Because of time change, today is 25 hours long. It’s the longest day of the strangest year I’ve ever lived. Thanks to COVID-19, 2020 has been a challenge for every one of us. I’m actually one of the lucky ones, because I get to spend all 25 hours today with the only person I’ve found…

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Overly Tired (MM #3275)

I’ve been overly tired the last few days and that’s no doubt been caused by the time change. I don’t know why springing forward messes with me so much, but every year it seems to get worse…

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Going To Sleep (MM #2909)

Every year around time change many people, including myself have difficulty going to sleep. But I think I’ve finally found a cure-all for my sleep issues. And the best part, I don’t need drugs and I don’t have to count sheep…

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Double Whammy (MM #2793)

I don’t know if you’re feeling this way, but I feel like I’ve been hot with a double whammy. The recent time change and our first burst of cold weather is really getting to me…

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Different Vibe (MM #2059)

I’ve always noticed that there is a different feeling or even a different vibe after time change. I don’t know if it’s the fact the it gets dark earlier or if the chilly weather plays into it. But there is truly a different feeling post time change…

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I Still Can’t Sleep (MM #1473)

Every year, the time change seems to effect me more and more. It’s been roughly a month since time change and I still can’t sleep. In fact, I haven’t recovered from time change last fall…

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Clocks (MM #1084)

Sometimes I try to throw you a curve when it comes to the title of my daily podcast. But today, there are no games. We’re actually talking….

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Sleepy Time (MM #1082)

Sleep. It’s something that so many people struggle with. And while I don’t really have a problem sleeping, you could say I have a sleep problem…

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