
Lots Of People (MM #2565)

Overall, the world seems to be getting busier.  Suddenly there are lots of people at every turn.  The roads, stores, and restaurants are all extremely busy no matter the time of day…

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Driving Around (MM #2553)

I spent most of yesterday just driving around, enjoying the nice weather.  And of course, I noticed something odd about the potholes in Nashville…

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Running Errands (MM #2434)

Have the holidays started early? We were out running errands over the weekend and I could already see the stress in people. By and large that sounds like the holidays…

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Shopping Trip (MM #2146)

I want to do something different today. I’m in the mood for a shopping trip to Atlanta. That makes sense to me, since most stores shouldn’t be very crowded.  And the roads should be pretty calm too.  I’m betting everyone there will be a bit busy with something else; the Super Bowl. But, we are…

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Veer Right (MM #2133)

Why do people have problems when trying to turn left? I notice too many people who first veer right before making their left turn. Driving isn’t that difficult; or it shouldn’t be…

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Stuck In Traffic (MM #2126)

Traffic in Nashville is getting worse. We even have issues outside of the normal AM and PM rush hours. The other day while stuck in traffic I noticed something…

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Hard Hats (MM #2124)

Every city has it’s hazards. In some towns narrow streets are the problem; in others it’s bad drivers. Nashville’s new hazard is men in hard hats. We’re having a construction boom. And everywhere you turn there are construction workers ignoring traffic and cutting across streets…

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Crosswalk Etiquette (MM #1960)

Is there such a thing as crosswalk etiquette? If not, there should be. Thanks to the smartphone, I’ve noticed that fewer and fewer people look up while walking. And sadly, that includes when they enter a crosswalk. There should be a law…

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Hearing Sirens (MM #1825)

If you live in a major metropolitan area like me, you’re probably hearing sirens all the time. Now you might not hear them where you live, but you no doubt hear them while driving. So, this got me to wondering why technology hasn’t come into play when it comes to sirens…

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Traffic Circles (MM #1803)

Nashville is trying to deal with traffic congestion. So they’ve begun to add traffic circles or roundabouts as they are also known. On paper they make sense, but encountering one is something completely different. On they surface they should be simple…

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