
Out Late (MM #4592)

I was out late last night. I got home at 8 p.m. No, that’s not a typo. I’ve finally hit that point where a late night is getting home at a time when most young people are just heading out. Like many, I used to burn the candle at both ends. Back in my radio…

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The Most Errors (MM #4524)

Since the pandemic, many people have been researching work habits and focusing on productivity. Many employees prefer working from home, while companies want everyone back in the office. Recent research from Texas A&M has been tracking work habits and determining when we make the most errors. Can you guess the time each day when the…

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Work-Life Balance (MM #4460)

In recent years many people have struggled to find the perfect work-life balance. Then the pandemic came along, and it made us all realize just our precious our time on Earth is. I’ve always struggled to find balance in my life. All my career paths involved industries where you work until the job gets done….

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Morning Routine (MM #4459)

Most of us have a typical morning routine. I always have to check emails, answer a few, and crunch some numbers. I always do that before I hop in the shower, grab my breakfast and head out the door. Yesterday began like a typical day until I got out of the shower. I put my…

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On Strike (MM #4436)

The world of labor relations has changed a lot throughout my lifetime. When I was much younger, the news frequently included stories where factory workers in many industries went on strike. But something has changed, and labor unions rarely make the news. Maybe that’s on purpose. Or perhaps the labor unions aren’t as prominent as…

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How Are You Feeling? (MM #4401)

Usually, when you greet people on Monday morning, you ask them what they did over the weekend. You might even ask them if they watched the big game. But in our office, we usually ask how are you feeling? Most of us suffer from allergies. And this time of year, many of us are suffering….

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Unhappiest People (MM #4384)

For 85 years, researchers at Harvard have studied happiness. And they’ve found something fascinating. The unhappiest people have something in common, their work environment. It has nothing to do with a specific job title or the tasks they perform for their job. Unhappy people share some common traits…

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Sitting All Day (MM #4319)

We all know that sitting all day can cause serious health issues. But what options are available when you work in an office and spend most of your day tethered to a computer? A recently published study has found a simple solution to help reduce the effects of sitting…

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Everyday Stress (MM #4306)

No matter how hard we try, stress is hard, if not impossible, to avoid. But now, some researchers say everyday stress can be a good thing. Of course, everyone’s tolerance levels are different. So that makes it difficult to say how much is okay for each of us…

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Retiring (MM #4282)

Recently I’ve had a few friends and co-workers announce that they were retiring in the coming months. I’ve had many radio and music business friends make similar announcements throughout the years, but the recent declarations were different. This time around, it’s people who are my age or just a couple of years older making the…

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