
Positive Stress (MM #4256)

A recent study tells us that stress at work can be a good thing. This research claims that we need to search for positive stress. When I saw a story online about this study, I had to read it a few times before it made sense. Something like a challenging project is an example of…

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Confident (MM #4199)

I’ve always been a confident person; Some aren’t so kind. They call it bravado, arrogance, or ego. But when it comes to business, confidence is a good thing, no matter how you describe it. The other day I read an article that listed the 11 phrases you should remove from your vocabulary if you want…

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Quiet Quitting (MM #4166)

Many people are returning to the office as companies begin to frown on working from home. And while people are complying, they’re not happy. Some are now committed to doing just the bare minimum. The work-life balance is now a bigger priority. And there’s even a new term that people use to describe this. It’s…

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Out Of Office (MM #4111)

When heading out on vacation, many people leave an out-of-office message on their email and voicemail. It’s a simple courtesy to let people know you likely won’t be responding for a day or two; or even for a week. But those simple messages don’t stop some people who want something immediately. It’s been going on…

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Spread Too Thin (MM #4061)

Some will say that there aren’t many subjects today where everyone can agree. But I have found one thing that seems to be universal; we’re all spread too thin. From work to home, it feels like we never get ahead. And I don’t see that changing for any of us…

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Dating At Work (MM #3971)

For a long time, many close relationships started in the office place. It makes sense; you spend a lot of time there, often with like-minded people. But dating at work is a problem for some. Sometimes, people involved in these relationships lose their jobs. But many times, there’s another reason behind the job loss…

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Changing Priorities (MM #3956)

We can all agree that the pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways. The world is struggling, and experts are trying to figure out why. Right now, the only thing that we can point to is our changing priorities. COVID-19 caused people to reevaluate their lives, and for many, the future will be…

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Soap Operas (MM #3924)

Soap operas have been around for what seems like forever. And while their popularity ebbs and flows, there’s something that puzzles me. Do the characters in these fictitious towns ever work? Sure, some of these shows have workplace storylines, but where do they find the time? And, another thing…

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Napping (MM #3808)

For years we’ve been told that taking cat naps is good for us. And while that may work for children, napping isn’t always easy for us to do during the workday. But researchers have found new alternatives that will only take 5 minutes out of your day…   

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Monday Holiday (MM #3757)

Many people are getting an extra day off today. Thanks to the 4th of July falling on the weekend, many people have a Monday holiday. Of course, if you’re a gig worker or self-employed like me, there is no day off. Monday is my busiest day of the week, and some things can’t wait until…

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