youger days

Age Spots (MM #4864)

Some things come with age that are good, such as wisdom. But sometimes, there are more negative aspects of aging. Of course, the aches and pains are a given. And another thing that’s difficult to avoid is lentigo. When I was younger, I remember many called them liver spots, but today, most refer to them…

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Red Hot Dollars (MM #3812)

When I was a kid, I used to love eating candy. I still enjoy it, but try to stay away from the sweet stuff. I always liked the obscure candy, many of which are long gone. But one long-lost favorite, which I had long forgotten, is coming back. It’s called Red Hot Dollars, And I…

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My Kind Of Town… (MM #627)

Almost everyone has a town that they call home.  Because I’ve moved so many times in my life I’ve always struggled with the subject…

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