younger days

Ringing Phone (MM #2389)

A ringing phone used to be something exciting. But now with texting and email we tend to use the phone only when necessary. And that usually means bad news…

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New Shows (MM #2383)

The new TV season has begun, and some new shows have already debuted. As a kid I used to love when the new fall shows hit the airwaves. But now…

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Spoiled Milk (MM #2306)

I don’t drink as much milk these days like I did when I was younger. And now, I constantly have to worry about spoiled milk because my wife and I don’t drink it fast enough. And I think that’s part of the reason I drink less milk…

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Answer The Door (MM #2283)

I was one of those kids who loved to answer the door. I’d come running when the doorbell rang. Today, it’s a different story when the doorbell rings…

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Shoe Shopping (MM #2218)

I hate shoes. And I really hate shoe shopping even more. I’ve always had an issue with shoes, and it only got worse as I got both older and bigger…

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Nearly Cried (MM #2217)

This is going to sound silly, but this is a true story. I was walking through a Nashville department store the other day and nearly cried. And it was all because of a pair of blue jeans…

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Procrastination (MM #2204)

Like many young people, I tended to procrastinate when it came to my school work. Procrastination is something I still need to work on. Especially when it comes to the little things…

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Never Bored (MM #2182)

I got bored easily when I was growing up. But thankfully the internet came along in the mid 90’s and now I’m never bored. I can lose hours on the internet. Having the knowledge of the world at my fingertips is truly something I’m very thankful for. And it definitely cured my boredom…

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Goodbye Fran (MM #2157)

I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday when I learned that the mother of one of my dearest friends had passed away. So today I say, goodbye Fran. I hadn’t seen Fran in years, but kept up with my life through Facebook. Isn’t that what we all do these days?

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Stamina (MM #2154)

It’s tough getting older. Our body tends to wear down long before our mind does. I’m dealing with the fact that I don’t have the stamina that I used to…

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