younger days

Chi-Chis (MM #2105)

Do you remember the old Chi-Chis Mexican Restaurant? I still have a fond place in my heart for the old chain. Many years ago we celebrated my wife’s birthday at Chi-Chis. Back in those days we were thinking party rather than finding a place for a good meal. Who knew that all these years later…

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Finding Old Friends (MM #2092)

Since I moved around a lot as a kid I’ve found that I’ve lost track of many childhood friends. Finding old friends isn’t always easy when you’re a baby boomer. So much of our life happened before the internet and social media…

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Party Time (MM #2088)

It’s party time tonight! I guess I should say that it’s office party time. Tonight is my wife’s office Christmas party. I’m looking forward to it. I couldn’t say that back in my younger days. I used to dread going to holiday parties.  But over the last few years I’ve really come to enjoy them. …

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Brushing Your Teeth (MM #2082)

Brushing your teeth is a simple task. We learn to do it at an early age and then repeat the task multiple times a day for years. But have you ever forgotten how to brush them? I did recently…

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Lying Around (MM #2055)

I used to love lying around on a Sunday when I was much younger. I’d spend the entire day in bed and just do nothing. I wish I could do that today. But as we get older our priorities change. And our bodies remind us that we can;t always do what we used to…

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Tears Of Joy (MM #2053)

I wasn’t sure how I would feel if the Cubs won the World Series. I’ve been a Cubs fan my entire life. And I admit I shed a few tears of joy when the game was over. But I wasn’t crying for me. I shed those tears as some very special memories of my younger…

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Cheap Steaks (MM #2033)

I find myself researching strange things. The other day I was reading about the TV show Bonanza and ended up spending hours learning about cheap steaks. Do you remember when we could find a cheap steak at restaurants like Bonanza, Ponderosa and the Sizzler?

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Reflection (MM #2023)

I’ve always been a person who was prone to deep introspection. But as I get older those feeling really become more reflection than introspection. That’s both good and bad…

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Vague Memories (MM #1988)

In life there are events that seemed so important when they happened, but now have been simply forgotten. I call them vague memories. They’re the memories that other people can help you remember even if they aren’t planning on it. Your friends remember one thing, and that triggers something completely different…

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Edgy Enough (MM #1975)

I was talking about my podcast with a friend the other day and he asked me an interesting question; Are you edgy enough? People accused me of being edgy when I was younger, but not any more. If the podcast was edgier it would probably attract more listeners, but that’s not really what I’m about…

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