younger days

Parallel Parking (MM #1973)

There’s one thing that I think every driver struggles with, and I’m not talking about texting and driving. Most of us truly struggle with parallel parking. Let’s face it, it’s something that most of us rarely do anymore unless you live in a major city…

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Total Honesty (MM #1969)

I’m often applauded, at least to my face, for my total honesty. Some people even say that I’m brutally honest. But I have a confession. I’ve mellowed a bit over the years and have learned to temper that honesty. If only I realized that sooner…

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Dangerous (MM #1948)

I doubt that anyone has every considered me a bad boy. Dangerous is definitely not my middle name. I’m on the road hanging with a friend in New Orleans. Most spouses would be concerned what trouble their husbands could get into, but not mine! It must have something to do with the fact that I’m…

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Hold The Door Open (MM #1916)

The world’s in a mess. And I truly believe that it all goes back to the basics like good manners. I’ve noticed that people don’t hold the door open for you any more. That was one of those basic things that my parents taught me years ago, and it’s still important. At least to me…

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Carpenters (MM #1913)

Today’s podcast isn’t about needing someone to do handy work around the house. We’re talking about the famed music duo, The Carpenters. They were huge stars in the 70’s. The other night I stumbled upon a documentary about their career. And I realized something….

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Final Exams (MM #1902)

This week is my busiest of the year. It’s the annual CMA Music Fest, and I’ll be running on lots of caffeine and very little sleep. It reminds me of final exams back when I was in college. At least I think it reminds me of final exams. It’s been so long since I was…

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Graduation Season (MM #1885)

It’s graduation season. And that means my Facebook timeline will be filled with lots of smiling faces. Most of them wearing some sort of cap and gown. It’s a time for excitement and for fear. For me, it’s the time of year I feel…old….

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Fly On The Wall (MM #1867)

I have few regrets in life. Even if I had the chance to do some things over I’d probably do them the exact same way. But I’d love to be a fly on the wall. Because I’d love to go back and watch those events as they play out. Even if it was just to…

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What We Remember (MM #1834)

Do we have any control over what we remember? I was visiting a town I used to live in, and felt like I had never been there before. And I don’t think it was because things have changed that much. It made me wonder how we truly remember the things that do actually remember…

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Playing Dress Up (MM #1832)

When I was young we played dress up all the time. We dressed like super heroes, athletes, whatever we could imagine. Are kids today playing dress up? Has the world changed? I honestly don’t know. I hope not though…

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