younger days

Every Saturday Night (MM #1788)

There’s a moment every Saturday night where I reflect on my youth. Saturday night was a strange night when I was growing up. It was strange because of what was on TV. Because every Saturday night I remember that back-to-back TV juggernaut of the Lawrence Welk Show and Hee Haw…

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Really Long Time (MM #1760)

Have you ever noticed that your perception of time changes as you age? What seemed like a really long time when I was young seems like mere moments today. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but time definitely shifts as you get older…

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Those Golden Oldies (MM #1758)

When I was a young man, I used to get tired of people who only listened to Motown music. They loved those golden oldies, and as a know-it-all young person they drove me crazy. Of course fast forward a few decades later and it looks like I’ve become and old fogey too. While I’m not…

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Climbing Stairs (MM #1752)

I’ve always hated climbing stairs. Maybe it started in my younger days when we used to have to run the stairs during basketball practice. I do know that my years playing basketball are part of the reason I have a big issue with stairs today…

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Recurring Dreams (MM #1736)

Most of us have recurring dreams. For some people it’s memories of their school days for others something completely different. I have a recurring dream, and it always comes back around the holidays…

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Only A Spectator (MM #1731)

Some of my earliest memories involve basketball. I’ve been around the basketball court most of my life, but over the years I’ve become only a spectator. I played in high school then moved on to the broadcast booth. Now, my nephews are playing ball and that’s actually an odd feeling for me…

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Wonderful Problem To Have (MM #1708)

I was just thinking back to my younger days and some of the lonely holidays I’d prefer to forget. Fortunately with all the family and friends in our life we never have to worry about being alone on the holidays. In fact we had numerous Thanksgiving dinner invitations. And that’s a wonderful problem to have…

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Pizza Rolls (MM #1690)

Growing up we always seemed to have pizza rolls in our freezer. They were the perfect snack. They were just like pizza, but bite sized. I forgot how addictive they were. So instead of ordering a pizza for dinner recently, I opted for…

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In The Blink Of An Eye (MM #1684)

It’s truly amazing how life can fly by in the blink of an eye. Today my wife Susan and I celebrate our 18th anniversary. Many people thought it would never last. We have one of those relationships that most people don’t understand. I think that’s because people think that they really know both of us,…

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Cheap Plastic Masks (MM #1683)

I talk about it almost every year. I’ve never been a fan of Halloween. As a kid I liked candy, but never liked Trick or Treating. And it all probably started with those cheap plastic masks…

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