younger days

An Old Red Bolo Tie (MM #1679)

The other day I posted a picture of myself wearing an old red bolo tie. The reason I say old red bolo tie is because I still have it hanging in my closet. So naturally I took a picture to compare skinny young Kevin to old fat Kevin…

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Those Loud Mufflers (MM #1675)

It might be a sign of maturity, or perhaps me just getting older. But in recent years I found that I can’t stand those loud mufflers that the kids put on their cars. It’s supposed to make them perform better, at least that’s the excuse…

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Gonna Be A Wild Day (MM #1659)

It’s gonna be a wild day. And when I say wild, I mean ‘wild card’. The Chicago Cubs are in the post season…sort of. Technically they have to win today to be in the playoffs. Many of my extended family members are feeling a bit stressed…

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Feeling Fourteen Again (MM #1656)

Today, for a brief moment I was feeling fourteen again. I just saw today’s date and instantly a vivid picture comes to mind. You do know what today is, don’t you?

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Swiss Cheese (MM #1649)

There are many traits that we acquire simply through heredity. Things like our hair color, and our size quickly come to mind, but what about the love of sliced Swiss cheese?

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Free Prize Inside (MM #1648)

I remember growing up and determining what I was going to eat for breakfast by the free prize inside the cereal box. Who knew that they were still putting prizes inside cereal?

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Disco Sucks (MM #1581)

There are certain words that take you back to a time and place. Words like ‘Disco Sucks’. In the late 70’s and into the early 80’s it was a battle cry for many. You either loved disco or you hated it. But looking back 35+ years, I realized something…

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Time Flies By (MM #1561)

As you get older, there’s no doubt that your views on life differ from when you were young. One of those areas where I notice a big difference, is time. As you get older, time flies…

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A Good Night’s Sleep (MM #1550)

Sleep is always something that has been tough for me. Sure, there was a short time when I was younger where I could sleep for 10 or 12 hours at a time. But now, it’s not just the amount of sleep I get that’s a problem; it’s the quality of sleep. Is it too much…

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Vacation Bible School (MM #1547)

I’m not sure if this is happening nationwide, or is simply something that’s happening locally. But I noticed recently that many of the local churches are running their annual vacation bible school much earlier in the summer than they did back when I was young. Is this happening everywhere?

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