younger days

Young And Talented (MM #1542)

I’ve noticed that there seem to be so many young and talented people in our world today. And that made me wonder was that also the case when I was younger? I never noticed. I was too busy trying to get ahead…

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Fear And Stress (MM #1507)

I realized something the other day. And I really don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this before. When we’re young, there are many things we’re afraid of. But as we get older things that we used to fear simply cause just a minor bit of stress. And there’s a lot of difference between fear…

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It Is What It Is (MM #1505)

I know that you’ll probably think that this is a cop out, but as you get older there are simply some things that you’d truly love to see change, but they’re simply not worth the fight, at least on your end. To put it plainly; it is what it is…

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Chicken Nuggets (MM #1502)

Today I’m filled with questions. Who invented chicken nuggets? When were they invented? Were Chicken McNuggets from McDonald’s the first nuggets? And finally, the BIG question: Is there ANY kid that doesn’t like them?

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Sports (MM #1498)

When I was young, I really loved sports. I’ve talked about this often. My nieces and nephews are really into sports too. But I sometimes wonder why we all like the sports that we do…

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Ketchup And Mustard (MM #1497)

We all have things that we like and things that we don’t. And many of these things we don’t even know why. Take ketchup and mustard. Tons of people love ketchup and tons love mustard. Some love both, and some love neither. Me, I just wonder why…

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13 Years Old (MM #1493)

Some people wish that they could go back in time. They wish that they were younger. I wouldn’t mind being just a few years younger so my body wouldn’t hurt as much, but you couldn’t pay me to be a teenager again. Because I truly believe that 13 years old is the toughest age to…

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Basketball, Girls and Music (MM #1472)

We all have things in life we’re passionate about. When I was young, it was basketball, girls and music. Some of these passions last a lifetime while others seem to fade away…

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Much Simpler Times (MM #1465)

We all yearn for simpler times. And the natural thought is to look to the past and our younger days. But I wonder, were those days actually simpler times?

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Ghost Of Girlfriends Past (MM #1458)

I was sitting here the other night clicking through the channels when the movie Ghost of Girlfriends past came on. Now I realize that it just happened to be shear coincidence that one of my exes was celebrating her birthday. And that made me wonder…

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