younger days

Green Goddess (MM #4617)

The other day, I saw a Panera Bread commercial that took me down memory lane. The ad mentioned a new sandwich that featured a Green Goddess spread. It took me back to the days of a salad dressing from Seven Seas called Green Goddess. We didn’t have it often; like most homes, you found Italian,…

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Out Late (MM #4592)

I was out late last night. I got home at 8 p.m. No, that’s not a typo. I’ve finally hit that point where a late night is getting home at a time when most young people are just heading out. Like many, I used to burn the candle at both ends. Back in my radio…

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Water Slide (MM #4456)

Every day when I head home from work, I pass by a water slide that’s part of the Nashville Metro Parks Department. It’s only open from Memorial to Labor Day, but kids are there enjoying the slides unless it’s raining. It isn’t one of those giant water parks, but the kids look to enjoy it….

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Wake Up Early (MM #4424)

People tend to joke that as we get older, we wake up early and eat dinner much earlier than in our youth. And both facts tend to be true. And medical research is now explaining why we don’t get as much sleep as we age. It’s not that the body doesn’t want sleep. There are…

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Go Crazy (MM #4420)

I finally have a weekend where I can go crazy. My wife is out of town visiting friends in Kansas City. Imagine all of the trouble I can get in. Of course, I probably won’t even leave the house. I’d love to sleep late, but that probably won’t happen. I’ll catch up on some work,…

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The Wienermobile (MM #4407)

One of the most iconic symbols of advertising and marketing here in America is the Oscar Mayer Wienermoble. It’s been around since the 1930s. The other night, my wife and I saw the Wienermobile rolling through town while we ran errands. I’ve always loved that ‘hot dog on wheels’; and get excited whenever I see…

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Work Ahead (MM #4374)

When I was a youngster in grade school, they taught me that it’s always best to work ahead when given the opportunity. Of course, I can procrastinate, but I always try to stay ahead of deadlines. Doing this podcast is a perfect example. While I try to stay topical, I also try to have a…

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Quick Trips (MM #4350)

I’ve always loved traveling. And if I have a choice, I prefer taking a car whenever possible. Sure, flying may be easier for some travel, but quick trips in the car are the best. But, as I’ve gotten older, I find that there’s no such thing as quick. Road trips take time; to prepare…

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Galoshes (MM #4330)

Back in my younger days, I walked to and from school every day. And whenever it rained or snowed, I was forced to wear my galoshes. And as a kid with big feet, my rain boots were very cumbersome. I don’t remember any other children wearing them, and I doubt many kids wear them today….

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A New Generation (MM #4219)

In my younger days, I remember thinking that some adults were out of touch. Today, a new generation of youth is likely thinking the same thing. But now, I’m one of those adults. The shoe is on the other foot, as the old saying goes. A few days ago, a text message that my brother-in-law…

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