younger days

Classmates (MM #4083)

It’s been a long time since I was in school. And I’ve lost touch with most of my classmates. That happens a lot for people my age. Sure, there is a website where you can find out about the people from your younger years. But, there’s one big issue with that site…

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Prom (MM #4077)

As the school year winds down, that also means that prom season is winding down. My niece Belle went to her first prom last weekend. Of course, family members shared lots of pictures. I doubt this will shock you, but school dances weren’t my thing. And that was even back in the day when I…

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Milkshake Lover (MM #4036)

I’ve considered myself a milkshake lover for as long as I can remember. I was just a little kid when I had my first one. You could say that they helped make me the man I am today. And that’s both good and bad. But I realized something the other day…

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Green Stamps (MM #3980)

Back in my younger days, you could find S&H Green Stamps and Top Value Stamps everywhere. But then, in the 80s or 90s, they just disappeared. I remember all the fun items you could buy with the books of stamps that you collected. As a kid, it was like a treasure hunt…

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Underdog (MM #3958)

Like most kids, I loved watching cartoons on TV. Saturday morning, after school, it didn’t matter; I spent a lot of time in front of the tube. One of my favorites back then was Underdog and all of his friends. I hadn’t thought about those cartoons in a long time, so I decided to stream…

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Bread Bags (MM #3944)

We’re still digging out from the snow we got the last couple of days. It’s the most snow that Nashville has seen in six years. And, of course, that makes me think of my younger days when I used to play in the snow. But of course, like most kids, my mother always made me…

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School Lunch (MM #3934)

When you spend time with your family during the holidays, you never know what topics you’ll talk about. Sure, we try to stay away from politics, but we often find other things to discuss. Over the weekend, our conversation turned to a unique topic; school lunch pizza…

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Christmas Music (MM #3929)

If you’re like many people, you’re probably sick of hearing so much Christmas music. Now, in a couple of days, most of that music will go away for another ten or eleven months. But as we all know, many of these songs that we hear every year have become timeless. And as I have found,…

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Reruns (MM #3909)

As a kid growing up, the one thing I dreaded was reruns. I know I’m not the only one. Youngsters today will never understand the pain of so few choices. Television has changed in so many ways throughout my life. And while we don’t see as many repeats today, this has caused a new issue…

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Getting Married (MM #3895)

It’s been a long time since I got married. I was 23 the first time and 36 the second. And while I recollect the ceremonies and the receptions, I don’t remember much else. I was at the City Clerk’s office yesterday and ran into a couple who was getting married. And they reminded me just…

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