younger days

Less Interested (MM #3639)

As a youngster, I was a huge sports fan. I lived for sports of all kinds. But as I got older, I started paying less attention. Now, I’m less interested than ever, and I honestly don’t know why…

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Roquefort Dressing (MM #3615)

I saw someone online mention Roquefort dressing the other day, and that got me thinking. While blue cheese dressing is found everywhere, I haven’t seen Roquefort in years. So what happened? I’m betting that this is all about marketing…

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Sleeping (MM #3497)

Let’s face it. I’ve been able to master a few things in my years on this earth. But sadly, one thing that I should have mastered by now, is sleeping. And while I’ve been working at it since the day I was born, it’s like my golf same, I still haven’t mastered it…

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Socks And Underwear (MM #3496)

I’ve never minded shopping, but there is truly one thing I hate shopping for; socks and underwear. As a child it was truly one of the worst shopping trips. And to be quite honest, I pretty much feel the same way, today…

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The Closer (MM #3462)

I was talking to my father the other day and he asked me if I ever watched the TV show, The Closer. Now, every now and then he’ll ask me about TV shows or movies I might have seen. But the reason he asked me about this old syndicated show was different this time around…

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Milkshakes (MM #3433)

When I was younger, I used to love milkshakes. But as I’ve gotten older, they just don’t seem as satisfying. And in all honesty, I’m not sure what happened. Maybe they were truly better back in the good ole days…

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Bad Feet (MM #3276)

I’ve had bad feet for as long as I can remember. I know that my weight doesn’t help me much, but the size of my feet has also played a big part. I realized that way back when I was a skinny kid…

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Christmas Memories (MM #3199)

I’m betting that most of us have some special Christmas memories. They may be about family, friends, or even a special toy. Of course my favorite memory is a bit strange…

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Reunion Time (MM #3118)

It’s reunion time for one of my high school classes. I’m one of those lucky people who attended not one but two high schools. I guess you could say that gives me a chance for double the memories…

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Grade School Memories (MM #3107)

Many people like to reminisce about their younger days. You know, for some the good ole days. But for me, my grade school memories are pretty spotty. Sure it’s been a long time, but I have to admit that I’ve also lived a whole lot…

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