younger days

Reunion Time (MM #3118)

It’s reunion time for one of my high school classes. I’m one of those lucky people who attended not one but two high schools. I guess you could say that gives me a chance for double the memories…

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Grade School Memories (MM #3107)

Many people like to reminisce about their younger days. You know, for some the good ole days. But for me, my grade school memories are pretty spotty. Sure it’s been a long time, but I have to admit that I’ve also lived a whole lot…

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Soundtrack Of Our Youth (MM #3100)

For many of us music plays a major role in our life. As a result, the artists who perform the songs that make up the soundtrack of our youth are special. But sadly in the end we’re all just left with memories…

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School Shopping (MM #3057)

School is underway or about to get underway across the US. And that means many families are wrapping up their back to school shopping. I really don’t remember doing much shopping before school began way back when in my day…

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Project Deadlines (MM #3054)

Recently I’ve been dealing with a lot of project deadlines. When we’re young we often deal with deadlines by waiting to the last minute. But lately I’ve been enjoying the challenge…

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Bumps And Bruises (MM #3036)

As a kid, we get bumps and bruises all the time. As we get older, they don;t happen quite as often. But when they do, I find that I often wonder how they happened…

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Swimming (MM #3026)

Summer is in full swing, and for many that means hanging out at the swimming pool. I loved to swim when I was young, but it’s not something I even think about anymore. I wonder why kids love swimming so much but adults don’t…

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Age Is Just A Number (MM #3023)

We’ve all heard that worn out adage; age is just a number. And while it just sounds like words when you’re young, as you get older it can hit home. I don;t consider myself old, until I’m reminded…

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Video Games (MM #2958)

I guess you could say that I’m a part of the first generation of video game kids. But I never would have guessed how video games would have changed our world, and our kids…

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Playing In Puddles (MM #2947)

At what age did we stop enjoying playing in puddles? Was it something that happened gradually or did it stop in an instant? I watched a young boy playing in a puddle the other day and it made me wonder…

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