younger days

Flashback (MM #2678)

What’s that old saying; The more things change the more they stay the same? I was sitting here looking at what I was wearing and had a flashback to my younger days…

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Vacation Time (MM #2627)

For kids across the US it’s their favorite time of year. Obviously, it’s vacation time! Of course I remember the days of being excited that I had nearly 3 months with no hassles. Now, I can’t even imagine taking a vacation for a couple weeks let alone a couple of months…

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Childhood Games (MM #2619)

I think we all can agree that childhood is much different today than back in our day. For example, we no longer live in a world with childhood games like tag or kick the can. Has our world truly changed that much?

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What If Moments (MM #2612)

Every now and then we all have one of those ‘what if’ moments. And this isn’t one of those moments where you wished something had happened to change your life. We’re talking one of those moments where you realize nonetheless just how pivotal some moments are…

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Eating Leftovers (MM #2606)

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a big fan of leftovers. I truly don’t know why, but I’ve never ever liked eating leftovers. But recently I found a few people who prefer them…

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Often Wonder (MM #2589)

Late at night I sometimes get reflective and look back through my younger years. And I often wonder whatever happened to many of the people I worked with in those younger days. We weren’t close enough to stay in touch, but since you work with people day in day out…

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College Years (MM #2585)

It’s hard to believe just how long I’ve been out of college.  Some parts of my college years I’ve completely forgotten while some parts seem like they happened just yesterday…

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Tastes Like (MM #2578)

Sometimes when I eat at a restaurant that I loved as a kid it takes me back in time.  The food that I’m eating tastes like my younger days.  But does this food really taste the same, or is it my memory playing tricks on me?

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Back Seat (MM #2560)

Boy, times have sure changed.   I remember sitting in the back seat of the car as a kid, just staring out the window.  Now, kids have video screens and headphones, and surely air conditioning.  All in all today’s long car trip isn’t anything like it was in my younger days…

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Board Games (MM #2558)

Do kids still play board games, or did video games make them nearly obsolete.  I know that some of the classic games like Monopoly and Life still exist, but are there any new games?

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