
Space Force (MM #4616)

If you’ve listened to the Mason Minute for even a short time, you know that I sometimes go down strange rabbit holes. Today’s subject is a prime example. It’s Veterans Day, a day to honor those who have served our country through all branches of the military. But the other day, I wondered if we…

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Lost Continent (MM #4615)

For as long as anyone can remember, scientists have studied the origins of our planet. They want to know all they can about how Pangaea split into the continents we see today. But parts of Southeast Asia and Australia have always puzzled researchers. How did they fit together? We finally have the answer, as scientists…

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Awards Shows (MM #4614)

I love the theory of televised awards shows. Like many, I watched last night’s CMA Awards. And while there were some enjoyable parts, I found most of the show hard to watch. It had nothing to do with who won and lost or how good or bad the performances were. No matter if it’s the…

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Minor Celebrities (MM #4613)

I’ve discussed this topic a few times throughout the years. I’ve long been fascinated with our obsession with celebrity culture. Sure, I understand when a big star like Matthew Perry dies unexpectedly. But our infatuation with even minor celebrities baffles me. This week, a couple of actors I’d never heard of passed away. One was…

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No Caller ID (MM #4612)

When I was a kid, I always got excited when the phone rang. You never knew who was calling. Today, thanks to modern technology, we usually know who’s trying to reach out. Of course, 90% of the calls are now spam. Few of us even answer the phone. So when my cell phone rang on…

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Another First (MM #4611)

Nashville just scored another first. Forbes Home has crowned Nashville the city with the worst commute. It beat out cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Houston. They didn’t just base the ranking on the length of our commute. It factors in things like mass transit, sidewalks, population, and access to transportation. Fixing our infrastructure…

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Fun Size (MM #4610)

I realize that economics has caused many products to change throughout the years. To keep consumer costs down, manufacturers sometimes change the size of a product so they don’t have to raise the price. This year, for Halloween, we got little goodie bags of candy at my office. And the first thing I noticed was…

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Mr Sunshine (MM #4609)

Much of the world is still shocked by the passing of beloved actor Matthew Perry. Stories about the late Friends star continue to top the headlines a week after his unexpected death. Much of the coverage centers around his time on the legendary sitcom and the demons he tackled in his personal life. But some…

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Thick And Thin (MM #4608)

When you support someone through good times and bad times, you’re there for that person through thick and thin. I thought about that phrase the other day and got quite a chuckle. When we’re talking thin times, we’re going through bad or rough times. When times are thick, it’s referencing good times. But in our…

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The First Snowfall (MM #4607)

There’s something special about the first snowfall of the season. Over the last few days, many of my friends in the northern states enjoyed that first snow. Many took to social media to share how much they loved it. They love it now, but I guarantee they’ll feel different come March or April. I’ve experienced…

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