
File Boxes (MM #4465)

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures of all the file boxes former President Trump had taken to Mar-a-Lago. Like many, I was shocked when I saw the images of his papers stored in the bathroom and on a ballroom stage. But I’m taken aback for a different reason. Those boxes looked like someone…

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Lifetime Allotment (MM #4464)

We all have things we’re passionate about. But throughout our life, those passions can change. For me, sports is a great example. When I was much younger, sports consumed my life, I was a great player, but that didn’t stop me from playing. When it comes to watching them, I lost interest too. I often…

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Closed Caption (MM #4463)

For many years, closed caption services for television have aided those with hearing loss. But the other day, I saw some of my longtime music and radio friends discussing that they were also using the service when watching TV. They don’t need to use the subtitles because of hearing issues; they use them because the…

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The Barbie Movie (MM #4462)

The Summer movie season is starting to heat up. And one of the most talked about movies of the year will be hitting the theaters in July, the Barbie movie. It stars Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling and a host of guest stars who play all of the members of Barbie-land. The trailer has been…

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Bagged Ice (MM #4461)

There are days when I gripe and grumble. Okay, there are too many of those days, but deep down inside, I know how good my life is. Today, I’ve got bagged ice on my mind. When I was growing up, we never had enough ice in the freezer. And we always had to fill up…

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Work-Life Balance (MM #4460)

In recent years many people have struggled to find the perfect work-life balance. Then the pandemic came along, and it made us all realize just our precious our time on Earth is. I’ve always struggled to find balance in my life. All my career paths involved industries where you work until the job gets done….

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Morning Routine (MM #4459)

Most of us have a typical morning routine. I always have to check emails, answer a few, and crunch some numbers. I always do that before I hop in the shower, grab my breakfast and head out the door. Yesterday began like a typical day until I got out of the shower. I put my…

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First Time For Everything (MM #4458)

Having spent so much of my life surrounded by music, first in radio and then in the music business, I often think in song titles or lyrics. Yesterday I had an old country song come to mind. My internet provider reached out because they noticed a problem with my equipment. Immediately the tune from Little…

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Debt Ceiling (MM #4457)

The government finally came together last week and passed debt ceiling legislation so we won’t default on our bills. Some experts all along said we had nothing to worry about. Neither political party wants to be the one at fault for the legislation not passing. It was all political theater. Each side wanted to come…

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Water Slide (MM #4456)

Every day when I head home from work, I pass by a water slide that’s part of the Nashville Metro Parks Department. It’s only open from Memorial to Labor Day, but kids are there enjoying the slides unless it’s raining. It isn’t one of those giant water parks, but the kids look to enjoy it….

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