
ABS (MM #5084)

If you’re excited about baseball’s spring training season getting underway, you’ve likely heard about a new development. It’s called ABS and has nothing to do with your car’s anti-lock braking system. ABS is an acronym for the automated ball-strike challenge system. It’s being tested this year during spring training. It could take effect in the…

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Kickoff (MM #4899)

Football fans have been paying close attention to this year’s preseason games. During the off-season, NFL owners agreed to new rules for the kickoff. They’ve adapted what the XFL used a couple of years ago. So far, reviews are mixed. Some love the changes, while football purists already hate them. The overall goal is to…

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Last-Minute Changes (MM #4845)

I often wonder if the world around me changes so much that I usually don’t notice or if I’ve changed. No matter the situation, there always seem to be last-minute changes. Is this new, or is this me? I don’t think I’m the only one who deals with this regularly. I think it’s now simply…

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Record Breaking (MM #4839)

Experts say we could have record-breaking heat this summer. It will likely involve the number of days with highs in the 90s here in Nashville. We’ve already been dealing with 90-degree weather for the last few weeks. And now that Summer is officially here, it isn’t going to get better. I prefer hot weather to…

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Same Ole Me (MM #4667)

I understand our desire as humans to change, evolve, and improve. For many, a New Year’s resolution is the simplest way to start. But does it matter when we begin? I’ve never been a resolution type of guy. I always try to improve but avoid a pronouncement once the calendar. I like to claim that…

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The Last Saturday (MM #4605)

This year, I heard a lot of chatter about changing the date we celebrate Halloween. Many want to make it the last Saturday of October rather than always fall on the 31st. It would become a holiday like Thanksgiving that is day-specific rather than date-specific. While I understand the desire to make celebrating easier for…

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Voicemail (MM #4570)

Life changes, and so does technology. I’ve been on the earth long enough to see numerous advances in communications. Growing up, we had the phone on the wall with the long cord. When it rang, you answered. Then, the answering machine became a way to avoid talking to people. The device was gone a decade…

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When To Pivot (MM #4551)

Running my own business for nearly 20 years, I learned many things. One of the biggest lessons was knowing when to pivot. They may not teach that in business classes, but it was an important lesson. I adjusted the focus of my business a few times through the years, and it worked well. But I…

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New Outlet Mall (MM #4505)

Back in my younger days, I spent a lot of time in malls, shopping centers, and outlets. Throughout my high school and college years, I worked in the mall and on the radio. I don’t spend as much time shopping anymore, but I frequently notice how much retail shopping has changed. They’re building a new…

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Catchy (MM #4395)

Recently, one of my favorite TV channels changed its name. Decades is now known as Catchy Comedy. Now Decades wasn’t well known, so perhaps that’s why they changed. One of their most popular programs was the classic Ed Sullivan Show. And while the new name doesn’t bother me, I find it rather strange…

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