kevin mason

Horse Racing (MM #4427)

The Kentucky Derby is back, and at least for the weekend, many people are horse racing fans. I’ve never understood the appeal of the sport. I’ve seen it in person, and it still bores me. Now most people aren’t that passionate about horse racing. I think they love the fact that you can gamble on…

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Brain Freeze (MM #4426)

It doesn’t happen all the time, but like many, I get a brain freeze if I eat something cold. Some call it an ice cream headache, but I usually don’t get it when I eat something creamy and cold. But the other day, I had some Italian ice and kept getting that sharp pain. Ouch…

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Writers Strike (MM #4425)

If you’re a television fan like me, you’ve likely heard about the writers’ strike that began a few days ago. TV writers are fighting for their future. Streaming services have affected their income, and they fear technology will continue to impact their careers. The same thing has been happening in the music business since the…

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Wake Up Early (MM #4424)

People tend to joke that as we get older, we wake up early and eat dinner much earlier than in our youth. And both facts tend to be true. And medical research is now explaining why we don’t get as much sleep as we age. It’s not that the body doesn’t want sleep. There are…

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Trigger Words (MM #4422)

Recently, researchers have been looking into trigger words. For many, these are words, when used, elicit an emotional response. With so much political conflict in our society, many of today’s trigger words seem to take on a variety of meanings. For example, buzzwords; like woke and snowflake have become overused; and while we all know…

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Wendy’s Chili (MM #4421)

I have a confession, and I’m not ashamed to admit this. I love Wendy’s Chili. I always have. It was part of my first order at Wendy’s; A Single with everything, chili, and a Frosty. For many, it’s a bit polarizing. Some will claim that they make it from the scraps of leftover burgers. Even…

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Go Crazy (MM #4420)

I finally have a weekend where I can go crazy. My wife is out of town visiting friends in Kansas City. Imagine all of the trouble I can get in. Of course, I probably won’t even leave the house. I’d love to sleep late, but that probably won’t happen. I’ll catch up on some work,…

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First-Class (MM #4419)

When the NFL’s Houston Oilers moved to Tennessee in the late 1990s, one of their demands was a first-class stadium. They’d been playing in the famed Astrodome, which wasn’t good enough. They even wrote a clause into their contract to ensure their stadium was always among the best. It took less than 25 years for…

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College Mergers (MM #4418)

In recent years, many universities have started struggling. Enrollment is down, and the cost of going to school is increasing every year. Some are questioning whether higher education is worth the costs. College mergers are a possibility. While they’re not happening yet, here in the U.S., some countries are taking drastic measures…

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