mason minute

Lost History (MM #1419)

I’ve admitted that I probably watch too much television. But here I am again, obsessed with another TV. Have you heard of this new show called Brad Meltzer’s Lost History.

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Indian Corn Chips (MM #1418)

As we get older, our childhood memories tend to fade. Recently I’ve been trying to remember details about a snack food from back in the day called Indian Corn Chips. Thanks to the internet we can locate details on nearly everything, except these Indian Corn Chips…

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Increase Your IQ (MM #1417)

Have you gotten this email? You can increase your IQ by 200 points. I can’t even imagine what life would be like with an IQ over 300…

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Cataract Surgery (MM #1416)

There’s nothing to fear now, but I’ve begun to prepare for the inevitable. We have a history of cataracts in my family and my doctor told me I’ll probably have to someday have cataract surgery. Hopefully not too soon…

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Blame My Wife (MM #1415)

We have a game we play around our house called blame my wife. I’m sure it won;t surprise you that I tend to enjoy the game much more than my wife does. It’s a simple game really. You might even be playing a game similar to blame my wife…

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For The First Time (MM #1414)

We did something for the first time here on the Mason Minute last week. Sadly it’s not a first that we’re too excited about. See, for the first time ever…

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Square Rather Than Round (MM #1413)

Even at my age, I find that I usually learn something new almost every day. Did you know that when it comes to plastic bottles making them square rather than round uses less plastic?

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Fending For Yourself (MM #1412)

I remember when I was single all those years ago. You spend a lot of time fending for yourself. But that all changes when you get married. But for some, it just takes a long time to realize it…

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Super Bowl Hype (MM #1411)

I’m old enough to remember the first few Super Bowl games and how it was all about football. Today, it seems that the Super Bowl is all about the hype and the game is secondary…

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Shop Class (MM #1410)

Some men are handy around the house and some men aren’t. I guess I fall somewhere in between. I can do some basic tasks, but if I’d paid more attention during junior high shop class I’d be much handier…

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