
Snow Moon (MM #3630)

We’ve just experienced our latest full moon, the Snow Moon. And did you notice that you slept less than you normally do over the last few days? New research tells us that every full moon causes a short-term change in our sleep pattern. And there’s not much we can do about it…  

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How You Look (MM #3601)

For many people, how you look isn’t always just about vanity. Many times how you look impacts how you feel. And of course, your health habits play a very important part in all of this. And naturally, there are some easy and not so easy solutions…  

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Overly Tired (MM #3275)

I’ve been overly tired the last few days and that’s no doubt been caused by the time change. I don’t know why springing forward messes with me so much, but every year it seems to get worse…

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Counting Sheep (MM #3147)

As you get older, you sometimes have issues with falling asleep. Some people actually trying counting sheep to help them sleep. So of course that gets me to thinking, why sheep?

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Peace And Quiet (MM #3087)

Many people often claim that they simply seek peace and quiet. I’ll admit, I’ve done it a time or two. But over the weekend I realized that we don’t always mean what we say…

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Restless Night (MM #3019)

Like many I have trouble sleeping from time to time. Lately I have some good nights and some bad. But for me, having a restless night is the worst thing to deal with…

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Fluffing (MM #2818)

I’m not sure, but something drastic has happened in the world of pillows. As I kid I used the same bed pillow forever. Now, I’m buying a new pillow every year or two. Plus, even when I have a new pillow I’m constantly fluffing it…

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Too Much Sleep (MM #2816)

Everywhere I turn I’m told that I need to get 8 hours of sleep every night. But like many people, finding time to sleep is tough. Now after all that, I find that too much sleep is actually a bad thing…

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Double Whammy (MM #2793)

I don’t know if you’re feeling this way, but I feel like I’ve been hot with a double whammy. The recent time change and our first burst of cold weather is really getting to me…

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Evening Nap (MM #2720)

I used to love to sleep when I was young. But as I got older sleep just seemed to get in the way. But lately I’ve found a way to sleep a little bit more, with an evening nap…

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