super bowl

Upcoming Movies (MM #5073)

Like many, I enjoy watching the Super Bowl for the commercials. If the game’s not close, like last night’s, the ads are usually what everybody is buzzing about the next day. And while some were amusing, I didn’t see any commercials last night that we’ll be talking about for decades. I don’t know if cutting…

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Party Foods (MM #5072)

The Super Bowl is finally here. For many people, it’s not about the game. Today is a day to get together with friends for a party. One of the most popular Super Bowl party foods is Buffalo wings, or just chicken wings if you don’t like the hot sauce and blue cheese. Some people go…

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Important Questions (MM #5071)

I’ve talked a lot about the bird flu over the last few weeks. I’m not obsessed, just curious. But sometimes, my curiosity gets the best of me. I sometimes go down rabbit holes online to find answers to my important questions. Okay, maybe they’re not that important. But I enjoy the research process. The one…

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Kick Of Destiny (MM #5070)

The Super Bowl is almost here, finally. The two weeks between the conference championships and the big game seem much longer. And the hype leading up to the game is sometimes too much. Some of the most immense hype this year is Draft Kings’ Kick of Destiny. This year, Peyton and Eli Manning are taking…

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Betting (MM #5063)

I consider myself a casual sports fan. At one time in my life, like many youngsters, I was obsessed with sports. While playing baseball and basketball, I also knew a lot about football and hockey. But once I graduated from college, I didn’t pay quite as much attention. But I still try to keep up…

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Ticket Prices (MM #5061)

Most of us have a bucket list of the places we want to go or things we want to do in our lifetime. We all have dreams. Some of these items are easier to accomplish than others. Many of us put away a little money every chance we get to save for that bucket list…

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New Audience (MM #4708)

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and this year feels different in many ways. Sure, the contest between the Chiefs and the 49ers is the big story. Many people will tune in just for the commercials or Usher’s performance at halftime. All of that amounts to a regular year. But we have to add the Taylor Swift…

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Swifties (MM #4695)

The stage is set for this year’s Super Bowl. The Kansas City Chiefs will face the San Francisco 49ers. Usually, people would discuss whether the Chiefs can win back-to-back titles. But this year, many will be more concerned with how much screen time Taylor Swift will get during the game. Taylor and her fans, the…

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First-Class (MM #4419)

When the NFL’s Houston Oilers moved to Tennessee in the late 1990s, one of their demands was a first-class stadium. They’d been playing in the famed Astrodome, which wasn’t good enough. They even wrote a clause into their contract to ensure their stadium was always among the best. It took less than 25 years for…

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The Big Game (MM #4344)

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, or the day of the big game, as most people must say. I understand that the NFL has spent a lot of money to protect its trademark. But why do we have to tap dance around the game’s name? Everybody can talk about the World Series in baseball, but in football,…

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